Alignment Part 1 – What Does God Want From Me?

Jan 30th 2018

Staying aligned with God, being in step with His will, being in unity with the Spirit – what do these terms mean, exactly?  If we fall out of alignment how do we fix it?  Chris Brannon kicks off a new series on being aligned with God.  Spiritual alignment is a very simple concept that has to do with your soul’s attitude towards God.  At any moment in time, you either sincerely care about pleasing Him or you don’t.  Alignment is not about behavior, nor is it undone by sin.  You can be aligned with God in your soul and still be sinning with your body.

God is not impressed by large amounts of unwanted sacrifice.  It’s easier to give an object that is a token of devotion rather than our true devotion:  I’ll read my Bible, teach Sunday school, help with the building remodel, give my money, but I’ll keep my heart’s desires intact for myself.  God is not after things, but people.  He is interested in external offerings only as they reflect a right internal relationship.

So, what does God require of us?  God requires us to do justice, or act justly. Justice describes right relationships with other people based on how God views them, treating others in a way that honors and glorifies God.  The second requirement is to love kindness or, as some translations may say, loyalty.  Our call is to love people in the same way that God loves us; unconditionally, mercifully, passionately, consistently, kindly, and with loyalty.  The final requirement is to walk humbly with God.  We are called to walk in submission to God and to His heart, His will, and His ways.  Chris also tells us how we can live in such a way.

Alignment Part 3 – Cultivating Delight in the Lord!

Jan 30th 2018

Jesus is working the plan right now!  Dan Bunker wraps up our Alignment series by showing us how to delight in the Lord.  How do we achieve delight?  Dan tells us three steps.  Discipline works the math and says, “I can see how this would work if I begin.”  It starts in the head.  Desire says, “I am finding that this is working.”  Starts to move from the head to the heart.  Delight says, “This works!”.  Delight comes from the heart and returns readily to the next discipline.

How do we cultivate delight in our generation?  Testimonies of God: cultivate your delight in the Word.  Cultivate your delight in worship.  Anywhere and everywhere, you can worship God!  Give.  Giving moves us closer to God.

Alignment Preaching Series